Diora Reshetnikova's abstract painting almost erases the temptation for any linguistic translation or conceptual interpretation. It illustrates a tautology of the very art of painting, as Diora composes with colors, lines, shapes, and sizes, in order to create forceful visions.
Aftermath of a systematical investigation into the psychology of visual perception, her works succeed in breaking the limits of the two dimensions to breathe, vibrate, blur, pulsate - the elements merge on the support and conspire for a primary impulse of movement.
Curated by Rooms of Kairos and hosted in the lounge room of MONOM, the exhibition presents two large paintings, and an extensive series of 150 portrait sketches arranged in one single installation. Here especially, the tireless, ceaseless act of repetition of the theme - ever different in its results - produces one unique body of work that takes life in multitude.
27.01 °°° 07.02.2019 - Monom, Funkhaus, Berlin
The exhibition took place in the context of MONOM’s sound sculpture gallery & live performances in 4DSOUND as part of CTM 2019.
Further information about the program https://www.monomsound.com/events/ctm2019
Music from the closing event - Oscar der Winzige - selection