ROOMS OF KAIROS is an abstract concept and an interdisciplinary platform dedicated to music and to the arts.
Home for creative professionals, music and sound, art and sign, design and philosophy, vision and experiment, the project stands for concrete and conceptual spaces & times that become ideal(istic) rooms for the creative gesture.
Founded and directed by Letizia Trussi aka Elle, the studio operates as a COLLECTIVE/AGENCY and as a center for the curation of a wide spectrum of cultural EVENTS and ART EXHIBITIONS. Along with the CREATIVE OFFICE and its visual art collection, the headquarters hosts a SOUND STUDIO - hot core of the project. Here, regular users, artists in residency and sound engineers share a high-end equipped and acoustically accurate environment for personal work, collective purposes, education, and research.
- the ancient Greek term refers to Time - not to its sequential, quantitative character, as in Chronos, but to its supreme quality.
It stands for ‘the most opportune, decisive moment’.
Therefore, the word holds a strong human component.
It is soaked with the force of intention, intuition and decision.
To me, it tells of a sublime artistic moment…
It is a room for the creative gesture.
Therefore: Rooms of Kairos
Rooms of Kairos has started using Telegram as a favourite channel for communicating events, exhibitions, concerts, and parties...
Feel free to share the QR code or link with all friends, art and music lovers.